Groyper War II Formal Declaration of War (Full Transcript)

Transcript of Nick Fuentes' America First 8/13/24, "Groyper War II Formal Declaration of War"

August 14, 2024

The follow is a transcript of Nick Fuentes' America First 8/13/24, "Groyper War II Formal Declaration of War"

Good evening, everybody. You're watching America first. My name is Nicholas J. Fuentes. We have a great show for you tonight. Very excited to be back here with you tonight on Tuesday. Thanks We have a lot to talk about tonight. Lots to get into. Big show.  We have some big news. Tonight, I will be formally declaring war on the GOP  and their presidential campaign of Donald Trump.

It may be the boldest, most ambitious move and campaign  that I and the dissident right and the Groypers have waged to date. I  You've probably heard a lot about it. We talked about it last week. Yesterday we completed our first action.  So tonight I'll be laying out  our list of grievances against the Trump campaign.

My history with Donald Trump and his campaign.  And then I will articulate a strategy and a plan moving forward  and what we hope to accomplish with it.  But it's going to be an historic night. I invite everybody to join me on the campaign.  Ultimately, we seek the re election of Donald Trump,  and we prefer that outcome over the alternative.

But, we are going to use our voice  and our immense leverage  to urge the Trump campaign to consider some of the nationalist priorities of his Republican base, and in particular of the younger demographic.  So that will be the goal.  Of the show tonight,  I'm gonna lay it all out in a formal and concise and specific way.

And I'm excited to do it, especially after the massive energy and excitement and attention that we've been getting over the past few days.  I announced on Thursday my intention to begin this campaign,  and almost immediately,  we got a lot of press, press inquiries,  discussion on major news. I'm cable networks,  and it was trending on Twitter for the past five days.

And now tonight the wait is over. Groyper War 2 finally begins.  So we're going to jump right into it. Like I said,  tonight we're going to lay out concisely and clearly  my relationship with Donald Trump and the campaign over the past seven years.  And it's true that it seems at times the fate of Donald Trump and myself have been inextricably connected.

We're going to talk about how we arrived here.  This is a movement of Trump supporters, Trump voters, Trump loyalists.  Many people are wondering and asking, Why is it  that a movement which has represented the hard right flank of Trump  is now threatening not to vote for Donald Trump in this precarious election?

We will talk about how we arrived here  by having a discussion about the shortcomings of Donald Trump's first term,  and we'll talk about the 2024 re election campaign and how it has overwhelmingly disappointed all of us. especially in the past three months.  After we go over the history,  I will lay out in detail a specific plan,  which includes measures that we will undertake to escalate our battle  in the event that our concerns are not met.

And then at the very end, we will lay out what we hope to achieve in doing all of this and our preferred outcome.  So I'll begin by talking about my relationship with the Trump campaign over the years.  Since I announced my intention to move against Donald Trump's campaign, people have called me a Democrat plant.

They've said this is an effort to divide and conquer. They've said I'm a federal agent or federal informant.  None of the above is true.  I'm a 25 year old white male,  registered Republican,  Donald Trump supporter and loyalist.  I have supported Donald Trump. And his political campaign  since I was a senior in high school,  since roughly March 2016 when I was 18 years old.

And I came to support Trump, like a lot of people, primarily because of his position against mass immigration.  Mass immigration remains  the biggest or the second biggest problem facing not only the United States, but the world. but the Western world as a whole.  And let's be clear what we're talking about.

We're not talking about illegal immigration. We're not talking about economic migration. We're not talking about refugees  or unskilled migration.  We are talking about a demographic transition, which is global in scale,  in which nonwhite peoples from third world countries, most of them south of the equator.

have been migrating north  into western white countries in Europe, North America, and Australia.  These people are moving to these countries for a variety of reasons. They are seeking employment, some of them welfare benefits, some of them are legitimate refugees and asylum seekers. Regardless of the mode,  of how they come here or why they come here, the effect is the same.

They are transforming Western civilization  irreversibly.  They are coming here and elsewhere by the tens of millions in a never ending, multi generational wave,  replacing the native born population.  And the people that are coming here, sadly, are not interchangeable  with the race, ethnicity, religion, culture, and customs.

of the people that are born native in the United States and in other Western white countries. It is devastating. It is irreversible. It is absolutely transformative.  And it was with this in mind and upon this realization, primarily that I began supporting the Donald Trump campaign  in 2016.  It was his rhetoric, not only against illegal immigration, but also against legal immigration and against the cultural changes that we've seen taking place in the United States as a result of the demographic change.

In addition to that issue, I also supported Trump because of his outspokenness against foreign wars and free trade.  These are the other two components of what he called rightly  globalism  through mass immigration, transnational, international, and post national elites. are globalizing our population.

Through free trade, they are globalizing our economy. And through foreign wars and regulations, they are globalizing our government.  At the same time, the mass immigration is transforming the demographics of the United States and Europe.  Free trade is transforming the economy of the United States and Europe.

It has made us reliant on Asia, Mexico,  countries that are allied and It  has hollowed out the industrial base of the United States, which has made us vulnerable,  weakened our national security,  and it has stripped away  the interior of our country, of its vital industries that support small towns and communities.

And lastly, I supported Trump because of his opposition to never ending Middle East wars.  In 2016, we had been at war in Iraq for 13 years, in Afghanistan for 15, and in Syria for one year. It seemed that we were about to engage Syria in another regime change, nation building, war of occupation.  To this day, we remain at war in both Iraq and Syria.

These were the three pillars. These were the three core issues.  that differentiated and distinguished Donald Trump and his campaign from the Republican Party,  which still supported mass immigration, foreign wars, and free trade.  These were the three issues that flipped the Rust Belt for the first time in 30 years.

And these were the issues that made me not only a Republican voter, but a Donald Trump supporter and a Donald Trump loyalist.  It was these three pillars united under the banner.  of his slogan, America first.  That is the movement that I signed up for. That is the movement that I gave my life to for the past seven years, my entire adult life.

In 2016, I volunteered for the Trump campaign.  I organized a small group of college students in Boston, Massachusetts. to travel by bus  to Manchester, New Hampshire to doorknock for his campaign in October and November 2016. And we doorknocked before, during and after the major Billy Bush scandal, which broke during my time on the East Coast.

I volunteered of my own volition and my own expense.  And this is why, for the past seven years, I have supported Donald Trump. Throughout Donald Trump's first term, I hosted a show, this show, called America First. Initially, I hosted this show on the Right Side Broadcasting Network, which unofficially broadcasts every Trump campaign event, press conference, and rally during the initial Trump campaign.

And then after his election began producing original content.  After I parted ways with RSVN, I carried on with my show supporting Donald Trump.  And then again, in the 2020 presidential election, I encouraged my followers and I myself voted for Donald Trump  when the election was stolen from him  through absentee in person mail in ballots.

I volunteered once again with my own time at my own monetary expense and with my followers  to travel to every capital of every swing state where the election had been contested.  I organized personally or participated in Stop the Steal rallies in Lansing, Michigan, Atlanta, Georgia, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Phoenix, Arizona, and several times in Washington, DC.

I was present at the January 6th Capitol riots.  Although, initially, I did not intend to travel to the United States Capitol building, when Donald Trump gave the word at his infamous speech on the Ellipse,  which I attended,  I dutifully marched with 500, 000 other Trump supporters to the Capitol,  where I did not break any laws,  did not conspire, vandalize.

commit acts of violence against law enforcement, nor did I trespass parade or engage in disorderly conduct. Nevertheless, for the past three years, my life has been destroyed  because of my attendance at January 6th,  starting with the seizure  and freezing of 500, 000 in cash. Just two weeks after the January 6th attack,  I was placed by the department of Homeland security on a federal no fly list.

For a year,  I was subpoenaed by the January 6th House Select Committee under Democratic leadership. To date, I've paid nearly a quarter of a million dollars in legal fees to combat all of these things. In addition, I have been banned from two airlines, Five major banks.  I've been banned from Instagram, Facebook, DLive.

I remain banned from every credit card payment processor on the face of the earth.  All due to my loyal and dutiful attendance at the January 6th rally in support of Donald Trump.  And since then, although I have been critical of Donald Trump's campaign, and critical of his legacy and his first term, I have remained a steadfast Supporter, believer, and admirer of the former President Donald Trump.

This is what I bring to the table.  This is my credibility.  And I hope that by establishing my relationship with Donald Trump and his movement and his campaign, the time I've put in, the sacrifices I've made,  the work and monetary investment that I have contributed to support this movement, I hope that I have demonstrated that  that what follows  from this portion of my remarks  is not personal in nature.

I am not, nor have I ever been a never Trumper. I am not, nor have I ever been a leftist, a Democrat, a liberal. I have had no contact with federal law enforcement. I have not been arrested, charged, interviewed,  or even had discussions. with the FBI or any other federal law enforcement agency.  It is only with love for Donald Trump personally and admiration.

It is born out of concern for his legacy, for his person and for our country. And  because of my deep investment and stake in this movement  that I am about to say the following.  Why?  Would somebody like myself  this year announced to the entire world on this platform that I am an uncommitted voter in the 2024 presidential election?

Why would I not be rallying in the final stand? in which Trump's personal fortunes and the fortunes of the country are at stake. Why would I refuse to commit to vote  during such an important time?  The root of this lies in Donald Trump's first term. It actually started after election night in 2016.

Although I and millions of other Americans  supported Trump in 2016 and his movement because of his America First Agenda and specifically his opposition to the globalization of the population, economy and government through mass immigration, free trade and foreign wars.  After the election was won, the government was lost  and almost as soon as Donald Trump won his landslide victory in 2016,  Immediately after the votes had been finally tallied and calculated in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and other states,  which amounted to a landslide electoral college victory,  the presidential transition process began.

But unlike the campaign for Donald Trump, it was not led by Trump loyalists. Trump supporters or supporters of the America first agenda.  Although the Donald Trump campaign had been led by the aforementioned types of people,  the presidential transition team, which is responsible for hiring and firing. The 5, 000 federal employees, which would work in the incoming Donald Trump administration was controlled and run by GOP establishment officials and politicians  like Chris Christie, Mike Pence, and Reince Priebus.

And as soon as the campaign was won,  the presidential administration of Donald Trump was lost. to the very same Republican establishment that he had finally defeated after the election.  People were hired from the various campaigns that went against Donald Trump in the Republican primary. They were hired from the Marco Rubio for president campaign.

They were hired from the Ted Cruz campaign. They were hired from the George W. Bush White House. and the Jeb Bush campaign.  As such, the four years of the Trump administration were characterized  by a lack of efficacy, sabotage, and treachery.  I think this was best epitomized by a New York Times article, which was published in September of 2018.

Conveniently, many people forget this, but it was something that I never forgot.  The article was published  on September 5th, 2018 by the deputy chief of staff to the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. And remember, the Department of Homeland Security is the federal department, which is tasked with the enforcement of the Southern border, the deportation of illegal immigrants, and And the immigration policy of the United States of America.

The following is an article which was published on the front page of the New York Times anonymously on September 5th, 2018,  but was later determined to have been published by the deputy chief of staff.  of the secretary of the DHS.  The article was called, I am part of the resistance inside the Trump administration.

According to the Wikipedia, this is a summary of the contents of the article.  The author of the essay writes that they, and many of their colleagues, deliberately fail to follow some directives from the president when they feel the proposal would be bad for the country.  Working diligently to block his quote, worst inclinations.

The author writes, the root of the problem is the president's amorality. Anyone who works with him knows he is not more to any discernible first principles that guide his decision making.  The author expresses support for a traditional Republican party platform, particularly the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, otherwise known as the Paul Ryan tax cuts.

which saw a 15 percent cut for the corporate tax rate,  while disagreeing strongly with the foreign policy of the Trump administration and taking pride in colleagues efforts to shift that policy in regard to Russia.  The paper's editorial page editor summarized the column's perspective as that of a quote, conservative, explaining why they felt that even if working for the Trump administration meant compromising some principles, it ultimately served the country.

If they could achieve some of the president's objectives while helping resist some of his worst impulses

from the beginning and throughout Donald Trump's first term, his administration was staffed from top to bottom  by never Trump establishment Republicans  and all too conventional and traditional conservatives for four years, they sabotaged  the president's agenda and betrayed him personally.  They leaked to the press.

They blocked his most nationalistic policies and even the congressional leadership blocked appropriations for landmark proposals that received the mandate upon Trump's victory in 2016, such as the border wall. This is why after four years in the Trump administration,  by January 20th, 2021, the United States remained involved.

In not only Syria and Afghanistan and Iraq, but also West Africa, Germany, Europe, and East Asia. That is why upon the end of Trump's first term, there was no proposed 30 foot concrete border wall.  As a matter of fact, there wasn't even a wall. fencing covering 50 percent of the border wall,  but a mere 500 feet constituting just under 25 percent of the Southern border of 18 foot bollard fencing.

This is why legal and illegal immigration remained persistently high throughout Trump's first term.  And despite Trump's effort to end all of these policies, Despite Trump's efforts and orders to withdraw American troops from Syria, the troops remained. Despite Trump's forceful proposal and two government shutdowns, his battle through the courts and appropriations in the DOD, the border wall was not completed.

Despite numerous executive orders against legal and illegal immigration,  the H 1B visa cap of 85, 000 legal immigrants was met every single year  and illegal border crossings hit a record 20 year high three years into Donald Trump's administration  in May 2019.

It was not completely Donald Trump's fault.  It is the reality of a complete political outsider finally infiltrating the Washington establishment, but not having the infrastructure or the personnel in place to support and execute his agenda.  Sadly, this is a realization that came all too late. And although remedies were introduced by 2020,  It was far too little, far too late into Donald Trump's first term.

This is why, after four years of a Donald Trump administration, the United States was not made great again. The American people were not put first. And all of the three systemic problems that the Donald Trump campaign sought to remedy  became worse than ever by the time Joe Biden came into office. This  This is the central problem at the heart of it all.

I hoped and I thought that after the betrayal of Vice President Mike Pence on January 6th and his refusal to decline electoral votes from contested battleground states in which waste or rather fraud had occurred in the electoral process, I thought that after that betrayal, Donald Trump would have learned the lesson of the first term, rectified the personnel problems.

And brought together a team of personnel for his 2024 presidential campaign and for a forthcoming second term in the White House. that would be able to finally deliver on the three pillars of the America First movement that I supported in 2016.  Unfortunately, since he left office, all of these problems have only gotten worse.

Let's start with the campaign personnel.  His two senior advisors, Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles, are lifelong GOP consultants and lobbyists.  In addition to this, they were at various times deniers of election fraud, opposed the actions of Donald Trump on January 6th, and even called for his ouster. under the 25th Amendment.

I'll read to you some of the things, just some of them, that they have said  in recent years.  Chris LaCivita, who is the chief campaign advisor on Donald Trump's reelection campaign today, right now, said after January 6th on Twitter, quote,  Donald Trump's cabinet needs to lock him down. Hashtag 25th Amendment now.

And this is referring to a constitutional provision. Which empowers the presidential cabinet to remove the democratically elected president from office by a majority vote. Yes, like the democrats, like the deep state,  like the resistance inside the Trump administration quoted anonymously in the New York Times in 2018.

He called for Donald Trump to be removed from office, specifically under the 25th amendment.  He is now in charge of Donald Trump's presidential campaign.  Susie Wiles, who is a lifelong Republican lobbyist who has lobbied on behalf of governments like China and Qatar.  Which is interesting. A lot of people have said lately, I take money from Qatar or Iran.

Susie Wiles has lobbied on behalf of Qatar in the past in China.  Susie Wiles was quoted in a recent interview saying the following, time to change the GOP coalition. The traditional voter cannot elect Republicans any longer.  We are beginning to bring into the tent, larger numbers of Hispanic voters and making it palatable to African Americans.

We are looking at vastly different voter groups than before. We talked to them about what is important to them. We honored their traditions and it worked.  She declined in a recent interview to acknowledge Donald Trump's election fraud claims and refused to say if That the 2020 presidential election was stolen.

If at the root cause of the shortcomings and the failures of the Trump movement to deliver inside the administration, oh, to a lack of loyal and committed personnel that support the president personally and his agenda. How can we be confident? That after his reelection in November a second, Trump administration will look any differently when his top two campaign advisors do not support him unequivocally, unconditionally.

And his agenda.  Let's talk about his vice presidential candidate. JD Vance.  It is no secret  that in 2016, JD Vance did not even vote for Donald Trump. In recently unearthed private text messages, Donald Trump was described as America's Hitler by JD Vance.  After the Charlottesville rally in August, 2017, JD Vance rushed to CNN.

And in an interview with Wolf Blitzer said that Donald Trump failed to disavow neo Nazis in the far right as he has always done.  And now this week, we've learned something new. We have learned that almost immediately after the inauguration of Donald Trump in January of 2017, JD Vance convened a small group of never Trumpers.

Transcripts provided Barack  Obama, ally and lifelong Democrat, David  Axelrod,  a presidential campaign in the 2020s and 2030s.  Let us remember that JD Vance only became a Trump supporter after that meeting,  JD Vance only became an outspoken Trump supporter and had. A miraculous epiphany, not only about his Christian faith, but also about his support in Trump and his support for the America first agenda.

After a meeting, he convened with David Axelrod and never Trumpers  about a prospective presidential campaign. Shortly afterward, he announced a campaign for the Senate, which he only won with the endorsement of Donald Trump and 15 million from federal contractor and federal informant, Peter Thiel.  He was seated last year in January  and now sits as Donald Trump's vice president  or rather vice presidential nominee.

How can we be confident after taking a brief survey of the highest level officials on the Donald Trump campaign that the Donald Trump presidential transition after a hopefully victorious day. In November will be any different from Donald Trump's presidential transition in 2016,  just as before, just as in the first place,  the campaign and the presidential transition are being run by never Trumpers, Republican establishment consultants.

and people fundamentally that are not personally or politically loyal to Donald Trump and his agenda.  But  it gets even worse.  I am not the only one that realized that there was a staffing and personnel and infiltration problem in Trump's first term. This is something which the Trump movement, better or worse, was acutely aware of after Donald Trump left office in 2021.

And some took that as an issue to oppose Donald Trump. Some sought to correct that for a future re election campaign.  One of those groups  Which decided to try to fix this after Donald Trump left office was the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 program.  Although I do not support the Heritage Foundation, the Heritage Foundation gave a lot of leeway and maneuverability for Trump loyalists.

to independently orchestrate and create the Project 2025 program.  And there's been a lot of discussion in the media and on social media about what Project 2025 is. But let's be very clear.  Project 2025 is not only a policy white paper and a blueprint for the future,  Donald Trump administration. It also includes a personnel database, which includes upwards of 15, 000 names organized neatly in a sophisticated electronic database  with labels and tags.

to assign different roles to different people based on whether they are loyal to Donald Trump and whether they support an America First agenda.  So if the major problem, if the disease of the Trump movement and the Trump administration was a lack of personnel and infrastructure,  to support and execute the America First agenda,  then the solution and the cure is a personnel database of young, energetic, experienced, loyal people who could be tapped immediately after the election  to fill up the second Trump administration.

And yet,  just as before, a dark echo from 2016.  Not only are Republican establishment officials hijacking, subverting, infiltrating, and taking over the Donald Trump campaign and presidential transition, just as in 2016 with great again. org,  the actual loyalists and actual patriots from across the country who are not a part of the deep state or the GOP establishment have been turned over.

and disavowed and passed aside in favor of the GOP establishment snakes that seek to betray Donald Trump. And Donald Trump has said the following about project 2025.  He wrote in June of this year,  some of the things that they are saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. He described them as the radical right and analog to the radical left.

And although he has sought to distance himself from Project 2025 repeatedly, which seems to be an initiative created by and maintained by Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles, CNN delivered a report showing that there are no fewer than 240, and probably many more people, that have historically been involved with Donald Trump, and currently, or formerly, have contributed to Project 2025's database,  or its policy white paper.

This Trump campaign is making all the same mistakes  of the Trump presidential transition and the first Trump administration from 2016 to 2021.  But it doesn't just stop with personnel.  Of course, personnel are the disease. The symptom is the bad policy.  The nucleus and the core of the problem are the flesh and blood people.

And after examining their loyalties, examining their past statements,  and their associations. We have determined these are the wrong people to staff the Trump administration. These are people that cannot, will not, and are simply not willing to execute a nationalist America first agenda in government  as a consequence.

And as an undeniable symptom of this, we have seen that Donald Trump has done a one 80. on two of the three of the core promises and pillars of the original America First movement.  And those include Donald Trump's opposition to mass immigration, both legal and illegal, and Donald Trump's opposition to Middle Eastern wars.

and specifically  initiating new Middle East wars.  Let's start with  immigration.  In 2016, Donald Trump vowed that the United States would buy and more importantly, hire American. He undertook, although unsuccessfully in his first term, dozens of executive orders to dismantle the H 1B visa program.  He sought to reduce the number of foreign students.

albeit unsuccessfully.  But in June of 2024,  during the all in podcast hosted by his donor, David Sachs, he committed to four Silicon Valley technocratic donors  that he would not only expand work visas, but he would staple green cards to them. And I'll quote, this is what he said on the podcast. If you graduate from a college, I think you should automatically get as part of your diploma, a green card to stay in the country.

He said the policy would include graduates from junior colleges and those earning doctorate degrees.  That means that legal immigration in a future Trump administration will grow rather than be arrested or decrease.  And let's be very clear. A green card means permanent residency.  It's the equivalent nearly in this day and age of citizenship.

He has committed several times  to delivering green cards and permanent residency to the millions of foreign students that study in the United States annually, whether they're studying for a two year junior college program, all the way up to including those That are participating in doctorate programs and pursuing advanced graduate degrees.

This is not consistent with Donald Trump's policies in his first term. It is not consistent with his campaign promises of his original America first campaign in 2016. And this stands.  In diametric opposition  to his nativist America first position, which is one of the key pillars of the America first movement from 2016, which is to by any means necessary thwart and prevent the demographic change that is occurring due to mass immigration by any means into the United States and other Western countries.

Put simply, this policy is  unacceptable, and it represents an absolute betrayal of a core, important, salient pillar of the America First movement.  I cannot support this, and I will not encourage my followers to turn out in November to vote for this or campaign for this. I cannot support it.  But this is only one of two.

The second issue,  major globalist issue of the 21st century, which I think has bipartisan support,  is to end the Middle Eastern wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Syria. As we discussed, due to the infiltration of the Trump administration by Republican establishment  infiltrators,  the Donald Trump administration was unable to a draw American troops from a single one of those countries, including the most recent war, which we are engaged in, which is Syria.

Donald Trump shows JD Vance as his vice president,  who upon his selection gave an interview to Sean Hannity.  And in his first interview, since being tapped as Donald Trump's vice presidential nominee, JD Vance announced.  That the position of the Trump administration will be to go to war with Iran.  He said in an interview at CPAC, or rather at the RNC convention, quote, a lot of people recognize that we need to do something with Iran, but not these weak little bombing runs.

If you're going to punch the Iranians, you punch them hard

during an unprecedented crisis, which could, as we all know, And may in all likelihood lead to world war three.  The United States has in deployment more naval and air assets in the region than at any time since the Iraq war.  It is in the midst of this crisis that Donald Trump's vice presidential nominee is calling for the United States to expand its authorization of the use of military force against Iran.

But there were warning signs. In June of 2024, JD Vance visited the recently created non interventionist think tank, the Quincy Institute, to advocate for further war in the Middle East and arming Israel to engage and confront Iran militarily.  It should go without saying  that the biggest risk the United States faces for World War III  is the right wing government in Israel dragging us to war.

against Iran and into a larger regional conflagration across the Middle East. And I am not confident based on statements made by JD Vance. And even by Donald Trump himself, that we will not be dragged into a war with Iran in the next four years. If he is elected,  I will not and cannot vote for that.  I will not and cannot tell my followers to vote for that or to campaign for that.

This represents yet another fundamental betrayal and reversal of one of the most important and key pillars of the America first movement from 2016.  Put simply, these are the problems.  These are the undeniable factual critical problems that I have with the Trump movement and the Trump campaign as it stands today.

The disease of Republican establishment infiltration, sabotage, and subversion of the Trump movement and administration has not only not been solved or rectified, it is only gotten worse. It persists to this very day. And just as in 2016 Trump loyalists  of which I don't even count myself in this because I recognize that I am radical.

And I recognize that I am not suited for retail politics necessarily, but others  such as John McEntee  and others at Project 2025 are being passed over in favor of the exact same infiltrators.  As a result of this persistent personnel infiltration problem, the policies are getting worse and not better as our country slides farther and farther  into third world status and into Middle Eastern wars at the behest of Israel.

It is for these reasons that today on August 13th, 2024, I remain and will be in the foreseeable future and uncommitted voter. And it is why I am telling my followers not to vote as of this time right now.  But I have spoken of all of these complaints in the past.  I have said this for the past five years on this show at this time on various platforms, but in the exact same manner.

I have articulated all of these problems about personnel, about foreign policy, and about immigration every single year since 2019 reliably, consistently, with clarity, and forcefully.  But this week, I have decided to stop complaining.  I decided to stop shouting into the void  impotently and without being heard or listened to.

I made a decision during my show last week on Thursday  that I am going to get up off the couch.  I'm going to leave the sidelines and the stands and enter the arena. I am going to get involved. In this election, and I am not merely going to tell my followers to refrain from voting or volunteering. I am going to encourage them to get active against the Trump campaign.

And this is not a decision that I made lightly. It's not a conclusion that I came to overnight. This has been a process over the past seven years, monitoring the situation closely and being constantly frustrated and disappointed and let down you. By Donald Trump and the leadership on his team,  and it follows a very simple principle,  which is that the only language that the political parties, which are completely corrupt, understand is elections and voting.

You can complain,  you can whine,  you can express your dissatisfaction.  But as long as you hold your nose every election and vote for the lesser of two evils, you will always get A variety of evil,  as long as you are the one sucking it up and you are the ones making the compromises, as long as you are the one telling yourself that your priorities will be dealt with later and deferred to some other time in the indefinite future, you will always be suckered and scammed and betrayed by the party you vote for.

And that is what has happened, sadly, to the Trump movement. Like the tea party before that. And like Republicans before that for generations and for decades.  It is why we have had Republican presidents  for 12 out of the past 24 years, but you wouldn't know it.  It is why we have controlled the house and the Senate off and on for the majority of the past 24 years.

And everything seems to be getting worse.  And we cannot point to one tangible victory on a single major policy category from immigration to war, to the economy, to healthcare or anything else.  It is because Republicans get elected first and the priorities of the base and the constituents will be deferred until later, every single time.

The only language that they will understand.  The only way that we can get the Republican Party and the Trump movement to get the message  is to turn over the table  and change the order of how these things work.  Our priorities will be heard first. Our votes will come second.  We will be heard. We will be listened to.

We will be acknowledged.  They will make promises and commitments rock solid that they will deliver on specific things. And only then will we vote. Only then will we make a commitment to volunteer. And only then will we bring the meager resources that we have to get them elected. No longer will they get the privilege and the power of holding elected office and dispersing and dispensing patronage jobs and money without delivering to the American people.

And that is why last week I announced my intention and tonight informally declaring war on the Donald Trump campaign.  And this is not something that people should take lightly.  We are properly understood not fighting for the Democrats, but rather against the Republican party.  The ultimate outcome that we seek is the reelection of Donald Trump.

The ultimate outcome that we seek is the reelection of a Republican house.  And we want a Republican Senate.  We want to protect the judiciary from the Democrats attempt to pack the Supreme court or replace other federal judges.  This is conditioned heavily and qualified by certain preconditions.  And I know that I have a reputation of being a radical.

I know I have a reputation of being controversial, polarizing, and inappropriate.  But tonight I am putting aside my radical ideology. I am putting aside my particular policy prescriptions.  The things that I care  specifically about.  And I'm going to propose two very simple, very popular policies  that we are going to need to see in order for us to commit to voting for Donald Trump.

We articulated them yesterday.  They are simple. They are straightforward. And according to two recent polls conducted in the past month, they are supported by the majority of Americans. They are supported by more than 50 percent of Americans in the general public. They are not unpopular. They are not radical.

At this point in time, they are not even right wing. They are simply common sense. They are populist for the American people and for the continuation of the American nation. Failure to adhere to and commit to these proposals will lead not only to an electoral defeat. But the destruction of our country, and they are as follows.

No more immigration.  We seek a complete immigration moratorium. And this is a phrase that I would like to hear in this election, an immigration moratorium. This country now has more than 50 million foreign born people living inside of it out of a country of just over 300 million.  It is the highest proportion of foreign born people out of any country in the world.

It is the highest proportion of foreign born people that have lived here at any time in the history of the United States. And it is the result of mass legal and illegal immigration that is only increased year over year for 30 years. Since the Republicans, 1990 immigration law, they have come legally and illegally.

They have come as asylum seekers, refugees.  Students, tourists, economic migrants, border jumpers  in every manner and for every reason that you can think of.  They have come from Latin America, but increasingly Asia and Africa.  They are irreversibly transforming our country in a fundamental way, not only our economy, but our identity and our way of life.

They don't speak English. They do not worship Jesus Christ. They have no traditions or history of democracy, liberalism, free speech, gun rights, or a social contract.  They are on average, one standard deviation, at least lower in intelligence. Most of them come here without English literacy, without assets, without marketable skills.

And not only this, but many of them come here without it. take advantage of public services in the form of food stamps, subsidized housing, public education and hospitals.  They're a burden on our cities, our communities, they're foreigners, they're aliens.  They don't belong here.  The ones that are here may never leave.

They will have children that will reside here for generations to come. And the numbers are only going up. As a matter of fact, they're skyrocketing under the Biden administration. If left unchecked, the United States will become a majority minority nation by the end of this decade. And the trend will only keep going after that precipitously.

At that point in time, it is questionable if this country that we call our home will even still be the United States of America.  It is questionable whether there will even be a viable Republican party. We may descend into one party rule by the Democrats.  supported by a coalition of minority foreign born voters or the descendants of the recently foreign born who have no respect for our constitution, our bill of rights, our language, our culture, and the race of the people that founded this country  with settlements of Plymouth rock 400 years ago.

It is an existential threat to our nation, and that is why one out of the two policies that we are calling for.  In order for us to vote for the Donald Trump campaign for president  is a 10 year immigration moratorium, net zero immigration. There can be no more illegal immigration. There can be no more net legal immigration.

It has to stop immediately. We cannot grant green cards to every foreign student.  We cannot allow the invasion of the southern border.  We cannot transition the immigration from low skilled illegal immigration to high skilled work based or merit based immigration. It has to stop immediately.  The second policy, which is supported, according to recent polling, by more than 50 percent of Americans,  is a steadfast commitment  to keep the United States out of a war with Iran and a regional war in the Middle East.

No war with Iran  ever since October 7th, 2023. And for decades before that, The right wing leadership of the state of Israel has been attempting in a forceful  and persistent way to draw the United States into a direct confrontation with the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is only heightened in the past year and now seems more likely than ever than ever.

Make no mistake. This is a war which will benefit two parties. It will benefit defense contractors in the military industrial complex in the United States, such as Lockheed Martin and Boeing, but also modern defense contractors. Like Palantir, the sponsor of J. D. Vance's Senate campaign.  The second party it will benefit is the state of Israel, represented by its Israel lobby in U.

S. government, U. S. media,  and in the U. S. economy.  This is part of a multi decade program by the state of Israel to restrain its adversaries, decapitate their leadership, And contain them and prevent them from acquiring a nuclear arsenal. It does not further stability in the region.  It does not increase the diplomatic posture of the United States.

And another prolonged indefinite regional war in the Middle East or the risk thereof will bankrupt the United States and accelerate the world's transition into a multipolar world led by China, Russia, and posse's of other nations. including former allies.  This represents yet another existential threat to the United States of America and its people.

So put simply, our demands are these  no immigration, no war, no immigration, no war, no legal and illegal immigration and immigration moratorium and no war with Iran, no regional conflict and an end to the wars that are ongoing in Iraq. And Syria,  these are basic policy prescriptions  that are just rightful, popular, moderate, and are consistent historically with the original key pillars of the Trump campaign in 2016.

And the America first movement, all we want. is consistency.  All we want are the same critical pillars supported by the popular mandate in the last election that Republicans won  that created the America first movement in 2016.  In addition to this, It is not only the symptoms that we seek to address, but the disease itself.

The Groypers seek a radical shakeup on the Trump campaign.  No longer can the campaign be led by lobbyists, consultants, and people who did not support Trump during his darkest hour, the all important 2020 election, when the Democrats and the deep state mounted a coup against the democratically elected president.

We are calling for the immediate termination of senior campaign advisors, Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, immediately.  We are not calling for a specific replacement.  We will not endorse a specific hire.  But it should be unequivocally clear at this point, after what happened in the first Trump administration and the presidential transition, And what happened on January 6th and everything that has happened since that if you are not absolutely loyal to Donald Trump, if you are not absolutely supportive of his claims of election denial and the coup in 2020.

You have no business being at the senior level in the Trump campaign, the Trump presidential transition, and God forbid, a second Trump administration.  Senior advisors Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles should be terminated immediately.  This is what we hope to accomplish. This is our mission. It's not about me.

It's not about my brand, which is further right. than Donald Trump, and further right than the Trump movement. It is not about my particular policy prescriptions, my past statements, controversies, or anything like that.  For the next three months, because nobody else will do it, and frankly, nobody else can do it,  I have stepped up,  and I will be the lightning rod, and I will take the slings and arrows.

To be the spokesman and the voice of the Trump supporters that have been forgotten and left behind by the current MAGA movement.  I am calling on everybody who supports the aforementioned policies to join me in the campaign. You don't have to like me.  You don't have to endorse me. You don't have to agree with everything I've said, or even most of the things I've said.

You don't have to like my voice or my face or what I say,  all that is required is a recognition of the gravity and importance of this election.  The fact that Donald Trump is the only one that can turn it around. But at the same time, a realization that in its current form, it is not going to happen as long as the infiltration continues  and the bad policies prevail.

And Donald Trump's proposed Republican platform. If you agree with that, then you're with me. If you agree with that, then you must support this campaign because nobody else, as far as I'm aware, has been saying it or is doing anything about it.  And that leads me to the final portion of these remarks.  Our plan,  you know, it doesn't matter who we are.

What matters is what we're going to do.  Last night, we undertook our first action, and I'll read to you some of these statistics.  Last night, during Donald Trump's historic space with Elon Musk, which I actually enjoyed,  we engaged in our first social media action. I called on everybody to prepare over the weekend by creating Twitter and true social accounts to prepare to bombard the two platforms with our slogans and with our message  In the hopes that the Trump campaign, Donald Trump himself,  and maybe the MAGA movement would take notice.

And I'll read to you the following.  The campaign was an enormous success.  We represented four out of the top 10 replies on the Donald Trump, Elon Musk space, which had more than 1 billion views. As of this afternoon,  four out of the top 10 replies that people will see out of the 1 billion out of the hundreds of thousands that liked and engage with that tweet.

Four out of the top 10 were the tweets that I posted last night during my stream,  they received 90, 000 likes, combined 3 million impressions.  We created live during my show last night, five trending topics on all of the X platform and on true social collectively, collectively, they garnered 74, 000 individual tweets.

And the topics were as follow, no more immigration, no war with Iran,  fire Las Vida and Israel first Adelson, 90,  000 likes, 3 million impressions,  five trending topics worldwide on X, including the third trending topic on the entire platform during the space and 74, 000 individual tweets.  Is a scale and a scope that can not be.

ignored, especially if it keeps going.  Our campaign will consist of the following actions.  We are going to undertake a high pressure campaign, not only online, but also in real life.  In the coming 80 or so days between now and the presidential election,  we will be online on X and true social.  We will also be in person in every swing state that is competitive, including Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia.

and Pennsylvania.  We will do the following.  Every Monday on this show, every Monday at eight o'clock central time on rumble during this show, I will deliver a state of the presidential campaign.  We will review. The latest decisions regarding policy and personnel. We will review the rhetoric and the speeches and on the social platforms.

We will look at advertising spending and ground game. We have people inside the campaign that will deliver insights to us.  We'll talk about all events and everything noteworthy and newsworthy about the campaign and deliver a state of the campaign every Monday on a weekly basis. Until the election and we will determine whether things are getting better or whether they're getting worse.

According to the aforementioned metrics, we will be watching very closely the rhetoric on immigration, on foreign wars, and we will be monitoring the personnel decisions that are being made, and that includes  the decisions and the organization of the campaign itself,  depending on how things proceed from now until the election on those issues.

We may undertake a series of menu options to escalate or deescalate our campaign, and it will escalate along the ladder, which goes as follows  this week. And in the ensuing weeks,  we will engage in a robust digital campaign on true social on Twitter. And tonight we're going to do a little surprise by email.

I'm going to give you the emails. of Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, and I'm going to give you a template, and I'm going to call on all of you to send emails to the Trump campaign itself after our successful hashtag campaign last night. Tomorrow night on the show, we will have another surprise, another digital campaign aimed at Trump.

At Donald Trump's presidential campaign,  but it will only escalate and expand from there,  depending on how things go in the coming weeks, we will begin deploying on the ground in the state of Michigan. That's where it will start.  I'm headquartered in Chicago.  If things don't get better. We will put boots on the ground in the state of Michigan.

We will engage in other guerrilla political tactics in Michigan, which I will not disclose at this time. Michigan is a must win, extremely competitive state with a very large Muslim population, which is deeply interested in the current policy regarding Iran, Israel, and Palestine.  Our next step in escalation will be to take the Groyper War in person with boots on the ground and other assets,  in the state of Michigan.

If things don't improve after that, we will escalate the Groyper War into every swing state in the country, including Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona.  And we will persist in all of these actions, digital, email,  other traditional and non traditional tactics in every swing state until the election, which includes  telling people to sit this one out and refrain from voting.

Unless or until  we see a real change in policy regarding immigration, foreign war,  and a change in posture towards the loyal and disloyal, disloyal personnel that operate inside the Trump movement.  That is our plan. That is our mission.  That is why we are doing all of this.  And to reiterate,  this is not about me.

This is not about my normal, usual political show, which people may or may not agree with, and maybe they find controversial.  This is not radical. This is not right wing. Even it is not outside the bounds of what we can and should expect from the Republican party or the Trump campaign.  This is just accountability.

And this is to ensure that before the Republicans get our votes, we the people, the forgotten men and women of the country, we the base, the backbone, the traditional voters that make Republicans win elections, have our voices heard.  On the most important existential issues of our time.  These are policies that are popular.

They are right and just. They are necessary to make America great again and to put America first. Without them, we cannot and should not affirm any candidate in this election. And we won't.  Our desired outcome is that the Trump campaign will listen to these demands from a credible source. very much.  From young, energetic, enthusiastic, patriotic, historically Republican voters, rather than ignore us  in favor of moderates or non traditional constituent constituencies, donors, or lobbyists that do not support the America First agenda and are not loyal to Donald Trump personally.

Our desired outcome is that they will hear us. They will listen to us. That Donald Trump will be reelected for another four years. And most importantly, that he will deliver and put America first because there is too much at stake for anything other than that to happen after November.  That is my formal declaration of Groyper War 2.

But tonight, we are going to begin a new action.  Last night, as I said, we engaged in a  viral social media campaign. We created trending topics that trended worldwide on X, a platform with 500 million users seen by millions of people. Tens of thousands of people. Posts in the affirmative and dominated true social tonight.

We are going to continue the campaign Over the weekend. I called on everybody to create burner emails using proton mail or other email address services Tonight we are going to go to the source directly  i'm going to give you The campaign emails of three campaign officials. These are campaign emails. So this is not,  this is not a docs.

This is not a harassment campaign.  We are going to tell them as interested prospective voters that we have concerns.  And before I tell you the email addresses and give you a template of how we're going to phrase this and how I think we're going to have the most impact on this campaign, I'm going to give some guidelines so that nobody can accuse us.

of anything untoward.  Number one, be respectful and be polite. These are our political adversaries, but we are going to be civil.  We're going to be respectful and we are going to be polite. There will be no swear words, no racial slurs, nothing inappropriate, nothing, uh, scatological, nothing that you wouldn't put in a birthday card to your parents.

Clean language.  Normally I engage on the internet and the internet's an ugly place. Especially with this generation. This generation has a lot of trolls and a lot of, uh, inappropriate humor. But this time there can be none of that. Number two.  No threats.  No intimidation. No violence or anything of that kind.

This is a purely political campaign. We live in a democracy.  We should have the right to self expression. We should have the right to organize and to engage in the political system. We are going to do that legitimately and peacefully and respectfully tonight. Nothing remotely constituting harassment, one email per person, nothing constituting intimidation, no threats, no violence.

Lastly, we're going to keep it brief, keep it brief, keep it short.  We want to be models. Everybody that's sending a message tonight, consider yourself. a representative of the griper movement and act accordingly. If you are not acting in the following ways or aforementioned ways, then you are not a part of this.

You are not a griper.  So, everybody sending this email, remember, you're a representative of me and this movement. You're a representative of your family, your people.  This is a clean, upstanding movement. We are normal people. We have just and reasonable demands. We are not extremists. We are not operating outside the political system.

We seek legitimate, peaceful, political change using the political process and using the The means at our disposal. That is how we're going to fight this war. Just to be very clear.  So tonight we are going to engage in an email campaign and we are going to email Jason Miller and Chris LaCivita. I've obtained their emails and I'm going to tell them to you in a moment and I'm going to tell you what to say.

So everybody get ready.  Open up your ProtonMail account or your regular email account. You don't even need to use a burner. Maybe you could use it. It would actually be better if you didn't use a burner because it maybe would give you credibility. Although I'd understand if you. are worried about getting doxxed, then don't.

But if you don't care, you know, then maybe use your regular email. It's up to you.  But everybody open up your email and I want you to write the following. This is a template I want everybody to follow.  I want you to write as an introduction, Dear, and address it to both of them,  Dear Jason Miller and Chris LaCivita.

I am a Republican voter  and tell them what state you live and say, I live in the state of Illinois,  Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, wherever you're from.  I am a Republican voter.  I live in this state.  I support Donald Trump, but I am deeply concerned about, about the possibility of a U S war in Iran and the middle East.

I am also concerned about the effects of mass immigration into the United States.  I cannot in good conscience vote for Donald Trump or Republicans until I am confident  that he will stand with America first on these issues.  I hope to vote for Donald Trump in 2024. And I look forward to your response.

Sincerely,  your handle, your name, your handle anonymous. A patriot, a voter, whatever you want to say, this is the basic format. And I want all Groypers, once they've done this, to post this on Twitter  with Groyper War 2 and the numeral 2, not Roman numeral, but the regular numeral.  I want everybody, once they've done it, to post the email with no personal information, other than the state you live in, no personal information, do not have it.

And you could even block that out if you post it on Twitter. You know, you can, uh, censor that, you can put an emoji over that, or not even include it if that's your preference.  But I don't, I want everybody, once they've done that, to screenshot that, post it on Twitter, and write, GROYPERWAR2, so that we know, well actually, I don't know, maybe that would like get people doxxed or whatever.

Ha ha, I didn't think this part through 100%,  but do it in a way, do it in a way that you don't get doxxed, okay?  Or just say you've done it.  Ha ha ha, we gotta be careful, he's like, we don't wanna get everybody doxxed, but at the same time, we want people to know we're real.  The emails are as follows. I'm gonna read you their email addresses and then I'm gonna tell you what precisely to say.

Once again, I'm gonna read to you the emails, post them in the live chat, and then I want you to include that in the address.  Jason Miller  at  djt fp for president d jt fp 20,  and I'll type it in the live chat just so everybody has it.

Jason dot Miller at D J T F P 24 dot com  and Chris Lassovitas is the following. It's Chris C H R I S dot Lassovita L A S I V I T A.  at djtfp24. com.  And I'll type that one in there as well.  And if people can post that in the live chat, so people have it,  we're going to go to the campaign directly.  Chris dot.

I'm having trouble with it. Chris dot Lassa Vita. at djtfp24.


And the email is going to say the following. I am a registered Republican, and you can choose to put the state or not put the state. It's really up to you. I live in this state,  but that's not necessary. You could even say it's a different state.  I support Donald Trump, but I am concerned about the possibility of war in the Middle East.

Specifically, Iran  and the effects of mass immigration on the United States.  I cannot in good conscience vote for Donald Trump until I am confident  that he will put America first on those two issues.

I hope to vote for Donald Trump in November and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely,  a Patriot. Sincerely, a Patriot, a nationalist, an American.  That's the message,  and if you're comfortable with it, post it on Twitter,  but I would use a burner email that way, you know, because if they look at the screenshot on Twitter, they could search the email, and they could see the email, they could tie the email to the account, so post it on a burner Twitter, a burner email, don't include personal, no, don't use any personal information, no names, addresses, unless you're, unless you're a public figure, if you feel comfortable with that, otherwise I wouldn't.

Use a burner email, use a ProtonMail account,  use a burner Twitter, use your Groyper account,  and you let them know.  And again, no swear words, no threats, no intimidation, no harassment, send one email, the aforementioned message, send it over there, and post it on Twitter and say, Groyper War 2. And we'll see how many people do it.

We're going to flood their inboxes.  And understand, it's not never Trump, it's not hostile, we don't hate them, we don't hate Trump,  but they need to get the message from the base. They need to get the message from us.  You can talk on social media and they may listen. They may ignore. Some people are going to attack you.

They'll say everything's going fine. This is something they can't ignore. We're going to take the message directly to them, and we're going to tell them, Hey, knock knock. Hey, it's me, American.  It's me and American.  I don't want to see mass immigration. I don't want to see war with Iran.  I don't think that's, I don't think that's crazy.

It's not left wing, we don't support Kamala, this is not a federal op. Yeah, the federal op did not bring us to war in Iran and have mass immigration.  This is our message. Tomorrow we'll have another campaign and another surprise.  Yesterday we did social media, tonight is the emails.  Tomorrow we'll have another little surprise.

Monday we're going to do a state of the campaign and the DNC will begin, so we'll be covering that, but Monday we'll give a state of the campaign. We'll see if things have changed. I think in some ways they already have. We'll talk about that.  And then we'll talk about the next steps of the Groyper war too.

But this is my formal declaration. This is the beginning of the war. It will not stop until November or until we are confident That Donald Trump will put America first, and that he has the personnel that can deliver and execute on that agenda.  And I'll say one last thing,  before we read our, well I'm actually, I think I might just end the show.

Or should I read Super Chats? I don't know.  I wanna read Super Chats, but I also want this to be like a big stand alone show. You know, there's gonna be Super Chats, people are gonna say crazy stuff. I might just save the Super Chats to tomorrow, to be honest with you. I think I'm going to do that. Listen, if he said super chats, thank you very much.

I will read them tomorrow though. Just be, this is an historic moment. We got to keep it clean, got to keep it a clean, clean show. It's gotta be clean. Don't say people are saying, and yeah, we're going to end it. We'll save it for tomorrow. Glad I got the vote of confidence in the lives. And no one's saying people are saying scam.

It's not a scam. Okay. We're just, this is an historic show. This is the last thing I'm going to say. Then we're going to, then I'm going to wrap up the show  and we'll take a look at how it's going on on Twitter.  As the last thing I'll say,  I'm going to be called a lot of names. I'm going to be attacked viciously.

You've already seen it. You've already seen it. A federal informant yesterday in 24 hours before the beginning of the Groyper war  accused me of killing Michelle Malkin, accused me of pedophilia, accused me of scamming my nonprofit, accused me of being a federal informant and threatened to dox 32 of my associates.

He adds.  All in 24 hours,  relative radio silence for months. And then in 24 hours, it came down  Tucker Carlson yesterday, or rather today insinuated  that I'm suspicious because I wasn't charged in connection with January 6th. I'd say it's suspicious that his father was a CIA agent for 40 years. I'd say it's suspicious that he collaborated with Max Blumenthal to write a hit piece calling me a fad.

Considering Max Blumenthal is the son of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton's hatchet man, Sidney Blumenthal, I'd say it's suspicious that there was an influenceable campaign.  100, 000 was paid at the front  to get a hashtag going called Fed Fuentes.  So Tucker Carlson, a CIA applicant, son of a CIA agent, Max Blumenthal, Sidney Blumenthal's kid, were behind a hit piece that was then promoted with a very expensive social media campaign to call me suspicious.

I think they're suspicious.  I will be called names. They will call me divide and conquer, a fed leftist. They'll say I'm helping to get Kamala elected.  They will attack you. They will attack you too, but mostly me.  They are going to call us the villains. They'll say we're making Trump lose. They'll question our methods.

So, uh, we have two goals, which is one to get us off the message.  If I or we spend every day countering and rebutting and debating on everything else, then that means that we are not absolutely focused on the two things, which is no immigration and no war in Iran. If we're talking about any other thing, we're losing.

If they get you rebutting and debating and countering and into drama, then they have gotten you off message. They have taken away your focus and they have taken us out of our campaign to demand America first on immigration and on war. And if they do that, then they've succeeded.  So we must simply ignore the other obvious reason for it is because they seek to discredit us.

They want everyone to go and vote in their fake rigged election. Well, I'm not gonna.  The election was rigged in 2020. There's no evidence that it won't be rigged in 2024.  They are not listening to our demands. They are compromising on key issues and they want us to go and vote before they make a single ironclad America first commitment.

I don't think so.  They are doing this because they are threatened. They're panicking because they know that this has momentum. They know that people agree. The base is not enthusiastic. They are deeply concerned about these things. They're deeply concerned about war and the border. And the last thing the GOP needs is someone to point out from the right rather than from the left that the GOP is not doing good enough.

So they will tell you, look away.  They will discredit. They will do anything to get people not to pay attention to what we're saying because it's so damning and it's so true and it's the only thing that may force them to change course.  They're not threatened by people that are lining up to vote again.

And guess what? We're not going to vote our way out of this.  You're not going to hold your nose and vote for crap and vote for never Trumpers and get out of this situation. No, we have to step it up. And that doesn't mean violence. It means engaging in a full spectrum way in the political process.  And that's the only thing that they will ever understand is if they start to see evidence on the ground that Republicans will stay home because this administration will not be conservative enough, then they might change their tune.

So be on guard. You're going to hear a lot of stuff. You're going to hear a lot of BS. I have to ignore it. We have to ignore it.  We have to be absolutely razor focused on no immigration and no war. Do you agree with that? If you do, you're with us. If you're not with that, then why not? You're against us.

And it's gonna be, it's gonna get ugly. I'm taking a big risk. I could've,  I'm in a position in my career where I'm better suited than ever before. I'm on Rumble, I'm on Twitter. I'm getting great engagement. I'm making more money. I'm, I'm really doing better than I ever had been doing before. I could have just went with Trump.

It would have been so safe. It would have been so easy. I could have joined up and said, rah, rah, rah. I could be a paid surrogate for Trump. It's been offered to me. They tried to extend some of them, not the campaign itself, but others have tried to extend a hand to me. They've tried to groom me into that.

It would have been so easy. So easy. To just go along with it. I'm taking a big risk to do this, but, and I'm gonna get dragged through the mud, I'm making a lot of enemies by doing this, but it's absolutely necessary, because  this may be our last chance.  And if it's not America first, it's not worth doing.

We're just totally screwed. I don't want to fight in Iran. I don't want my country to disappear due to mass immigration. And I'm not confident based on what this campaign is saying that it's going to address any of that.  People say, Oh, well, he, that's just something he said about stapling green cards.

That's not good enough. We cannot presume we can never presume there must be a clear unequivocal statement and it's popular.  He will lose no votes by saying no war. He will lose no votes by saying restrict or no immigration.

So this is our plan. This is our message.  My best possible outcome is that they make the changes. And then I would love to deliver this enthusiasm for Trump. We have 20, 000 people watching tonight. We had 28, 000 watching last night. We, we run Twitter. We run true social. I would love to deliver all of this energy behind Trump.

I would love to be the loudest cheerleader. I would love to tell my people to go and campaign and ballot harvest and do whatever they need to do. And I think we could really make the difference and win Trump the election, but I will not do it until I'm confident that he will put America first. And if he does, we will be your best allies.

We will be your worst enemies, but we could be your best allies.  And that is the only way that the American people will be heard and respected is if they actually bring. Some interest to the table. Israel has an interest group. Oil and gas has an interest group. The corporations and wall street and Silicon Valley.

They've got their billions. They've got their lobbyists. Americans have nothing. They have nobody fighting for them. They have nobody that's going to threaten not to vote or do anything to hurt the campaign. I will,  and I as a representative of these popular issues, I will be the biggest pain in the ass ever for the Trump campaign, or I could be the biggest help.

And if you want to see an example of that, you can ask how Joe Kent is doing. You can ask representative Joe Kent how he's doing right now.  If you question my sincerity.  When I was allied with Paul Gosar, we raised 30, 000 for him in one day. It was the biggest single day haul they ever had.  When Joe Kent went out of his way to disavow us and make us an enemy, he lost in the biggest upset race of the midterms by 2, 000 votes.

And that was when I had no platform. That was when I had no resources.  Now we're taking on the big fish. If you think we can't do that in Michigan, you're wrong. How much did Trump win by in Michigan in 16? How much did he lose by in 2020? Allegedly.  You think we can't flip a few thousand votes in Michigan with a concerted effort?

Think again.  I wouldn't be too sure. I wouldn't be too confident. It's getting a little close over there. And it's a pretty critical issue and a very specific community, which cares deeply about that issue, which I happen to have some credibility on.

And I'll threaten it on behalf of the American people, but that's that. So that's my show. That's my official declaration of war. I'll be back here tomorrow with another operation. And I will be here on Monday with a state of the campaign. This is Groyper war two. This is only the beginning and we will be the biggest pain in the ass.

We will be your worst enemies. We will be in Michigan and we will be the reason you lose. Or if you listen to us, we will be there to help. We will be there to volunteer, and we will be the reason you win.  And it's up to you. It's the right thing to do. It's the right thing to do. And it's the winning thing to do.

So we hope that they will become America first again. But if they won't, I have no problem seeing them lose. I have no problem. Seeing Republicans cuck and then lose because of it. If they want to blame me, then so be it. Maybe the next administration will learn from this experience. That's the mindset that we need.

So that's all I have for you tonight. Remember to follow me here on Rumble. Does that cheapen it a little bit? Smash the follow, destroy the follow button. Leave a like on the video. Let me know what you think in the comments below.  I'll read your super chats tonight  and I'll be back here tomorrow until then have a great rest of your evening.

Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo.  It's going to be only America first.  America first.  The American peep  first once again.

With respect, the respect that we do.

It's going to be America first.


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